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We’re Making A Zine

If you’re a fan of Tedium in digital form, you should know that we’re going to create a physical form. But not just any physical form. Zine form.

By Ernie SmithSeptember 18, 2018
#about tedium #magazines #newsletters #state of tedium #zine
A while back, my friend Simon Owens wrote this piece in which he compared email newsletters to zines, and used good old Tedium as an example of the form.

It makes sense to a degree—there’s a DIY ethos that comes with any self-publishing project, and with newsletters as with zines, the weirder, the better.

That thought stuck with me and kind of got into my head as a thought monster, and as I was thinking about ways to do something fresh with the Tedium concept, the zine struck me as the perfect kind of vessel to do something a little different, while still in the spirit of this thing I’m already writing.

So I’d like to announce that Tedium will be releasing a limited-edition zine that will only be produced in numbered editions for everyone in my $5 Patreon tiers and higher. Anyone in the U.S. who wants one should sign up, because I’m only going to be doing a single run, which I'll send out sometime in October. If you miss it, you miss it.

(If you’re international, I've created an $8 Patreon tier for shipping around the globe. And if you just want to pay via PayPal, shoot me an email.)

What’s gonna be in it? A fully reported and researched story that’s going to be on a topic that’s close to Tedium’s heart, though I have no plans to spoil the surprise. You will not know what's in it until you get it. Just like how it works in your email inbox.

It’s going to be simply designed, on gloriously standard paper with limited color, stapled together with the majestic power of the human hand. If you’re a fan of Tedium, you’re going to dig this. Promise.

For now, this is a limited-edition project, buuuuuuut if it’s a successful endeavor, I might consider doing it quarterly, giving you a new way to enjoy Tedium outside of your inbox and RSS feed. (I hope it’s successful.)

(And for those who don’t want to receive anything in the mail, I’ll make a PDF version available for my patrons in the $3 and higher tiers.)

Anyone who’s interested, please sign up on Patreon! More info coming soon!

Ernie Smith Your time was wasted by … Ernie Smith Ernie Smith is the editor of Tedium, and an active internet snarker. Between his many internet side projects, he finds time to hang out with his wife Cat, who's funnier than he is.